Gmdss Navtex Receiver – The Future Of Marine Communication

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gmdss navtex receiver

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is the new standard for maritime communications and distress alerting procedures. These procedures are designed to provide the highest degree of safety in the event of an emergency at sea. All commercial vessels over 300 gross tons must be equipped with GMDSS-approved equipment to operate in international waters, while smaller private vessels will be required to equip with gmdss navtex receiver within the next few years.

What are the main features?

You’ll need to explain what a GMDSS is (or give a short description, if you are unfamiliar with them) and then focus on explaining three key features that make it relevant for mariners in 2017. As you write your post, ask yourself: What can I share about each feature that will be valuable to my readers? Is there any background information that I should include? Why would my readers care about these three features? How can I relate each feature to my own experiences? How might they improve mariners’ safety and make work easier/more enjoyable? Those questions should get you started, but don’t feel like you have to answer them all in your final post.

 For example, one or two of those features may not have much relevance to your audience; just skip over them! If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, here are some more specific questions that could help: Are there any new regulations or updates on existing regulations that I could discuss? What new technologies does it incorporate? Does it provide any benefits for mariners? Can it help save lives or property in an emergency? Will using this device allow me to do something faster or more efficiently than before?


Who uses this technology today?

As maritime traffic continues to increase year after year, so too does the number of incidents at sea. Last year, roughly 3,500 ships sank or ran aground worldwide. While that’s a far lower rate than in decades past (the 1980s saw 10,000 such incidents), it’s still up substantially from just a few years ago and that trend shows no signs of slowing down. In light of these statistics, many shipping companies are looking for ways to avoid collisions at sea and cut down on human error altogether. One way to do that is through technology and there are few more promising solutions than a navigational system called GMDSS.

How much does it cost?

A reliable satellite navigation system is essential for modern shipping, and with Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) technology more accessible than ever before, it’s easier than ever to stay safe at sea. So how much does a GMDSS receiver cost? What do you get for your money, and what will it be like to use one? The average price of gmdss navtex receiver in USA is around $1180 and the price is worth paying.